CWS Cares

+1 (352) 809-1442


Our Mission is to Heal and to Set people Free just like JESUS did.


At CWS Cares, we’re passionate about helping people gain freedom from oppression through the healing power and deliverance power of JESUS. We offer a selection of programs designed to support your complete well-being journey. Here’s what sets us apart:


In today’s fragmented world, division runs rampant, infiltrating every aspect of society, including the Body of Christ.


The adversary, ever cunning, seeks to sow seeds of discord and disunity, fracturing the unity that Christ intended for His Church. From interpersonal conflicts to doctrinal disputes, the enemy’s tactics aim to weaken and divide God’s people, hindering their collective impact and witness. Moreover, individuals grapple with internal battles, plagued by self-doubt, insecurity, and spiritual oppression.


This pervasive disunity stifles the Church’s effectiveness, leaving believers isolated, wounded, and ill-equipped to fulfill their Kingdom mandate.


Such division not only hampers the Church’s ability to advance the Gospel but also tarnishes its testimony before a watching world. Recognizing the urgent need for revival and restoration, CWS cares emerges as a beacon of hope, dedicated to combating division, fostering unity in the Body of Christ, and empowering believers to reclaim their identity and purpose in Christ.

About us

Welcome to CWS cares, where faith meets business and ministry for transformative impact. At CWS cares, we believe in the power of integrating business principles with Kingdom values to create positive change in the world. Our mission is to empower individuals, entrepreneurs, and organizations to fulfill their God-given purpose and make a difference in their communities and beyond. We are passionate about equipping Kingdom-minded leaders with the tools, resources, and support they need to thrive in both their professional and spiritual journeys.

At CWS cares, we offer a range of programs, services, and resources designed to help you grow your business, deepen your faith, and make a lasting impact on the world. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur seeking to align your business with Kingdom principles or a ministry leader looking to expand your reach and influence, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Our team consists of experienced business coaches, ministry leaders, and Kingdom entrepreneurs who are dedicated to walking alongside you on your business journey. Together, we’ll explore how to integrate faith and business in practical, tangible ways that honor God and bless others.

Instead of Staying Divided, We Should Be Focused On Community

Community cannot be spelled without ‘unity’. The central aim of CWS cares is to be an anchoring hub of community that is overflowing with love for others – using the life, love, and Identity of Jesus Christ as our model.

Unity is an essential warfare tactic. The enemy’s primary war tactic is division. Ever since its fall, the enemy has sought to create division and chaos. Beginning with the angels themselves, and then driving a wedge between mankind and his Creator in the garden of Eden. The enemy still uses the same tactics today by pitting one group of society against another; then repeating the cycle over and over on various levels. Think of any grouping of society, and you’ll find another grouping that opposes it.

The same strategy is used at an individual level by creating division and strife within families, marriages, friendships, colleagues, and congregations. Drill down further, and we find the enemy using the same warfare tactic at a personal and emotional level – digging even deeper into our psyches by pitting us against ourselves. Those thoughts, voices and images in our mind that tell us: we’re not good enough, it’ll never work, “I can’t do it”, “they won’t like me”, “I’m too [fill in the blank]” – these are the culmination of many works of the enemy and results in us being enslaved to loneliness, depression, anxiety, and isolation.

This is not what our Creator desires for us as there is overwhelming evidence in the Word of God attesting to His desires for unity and love within the body of Christ (the church). We could easily write pages and pages of devotional material digging into what the bible tells us about division and unity. This is why the heart of CWS cares is to partner with Jesus and each other to facilitate unity, connection, and partnerships within the body of Christ.


Imagine how powerful the Church would be if ministries and congregations joined forces instead of operating separately.

So Much More Is Available For Us! Hence, the birth of Kingdom Collective.

We serve as a catalyst for Kingdom revival by promoting unity, connection, and partnership within the Body of Christ.

Through our efforts, we aim to:​

Cultivate a sense of community across Christian congregations, denominations, and ministries, rooted in our shared love of Jesus Christ.

Combat the divisive tactics of the enemy by harnessing love and unity as our most potent weapons.

Equip and empower the Kingdom’s forces to fulfill their divine purpose through connection and freedom.

The inspiration behind CWS cares stems from a deep understanding of the power of unity as depicted in Philippians 2:1-2,5 (TPT). Just as Paul urged the early Christians to be “joined together in perfect unity,” we too believe in the transformative potential of a united Body of Christ.

Building Community

At the heart of CWS cares lies a commitment to community, a term inseparable from ‘unity’ itself. We recognize that unity is not merely a desirable outcome but a strategic warfare tactic against the enemy’s attempts to sow division. From the earliest accounts in the Garden of Eden to the present day, the adversary has sought to disrupt the unity among God’s people. Our mission is to counteract this strategy by fostering connections and partnerships rooted in the love of Christ.

The Bride’s Preparation

Drawing upon biblical imagery, we envision the Church as the Bride preparing for her Bridegroom, Christ. Just as a bride meticulously prepares for her wedding day, we too are called to prepare ourselves spiritually for the glorious union with our Savior. This preparation involves three essential connections:

Connection with Christ: Equipping

The Bride intimately knows her Lover and is confident in His love. Similarly, we seek to deepen our connection with Christ through equipping initiatives that reveal our true identity, purpose, and authority in His Kingdom. By partnering with equipping schools, we empower believers to embrace their royal identity and fulfill their ministry calling.

Connection with Self - Restoration & Freedom

In preparation for the Bridegroom, the Bride must experience restoration and freedom. CWS cares collaborates with inner healing counselors and deliverance ministries to set believers free from the burdens of a broken world. By embracing our true identity in Christ, we pave the way for inner healing and restoration.

Connection with Others - Love, Nurture, Free & Empower

Confident in her identity and restored by love, the Bride can extend love and nurture to others. CWS cares facilitates connections among believers, churches, and ministries, promoting a culture of love, freedom, and empowerment. Through media outreach, community initiatives, and global missions, we spread the message of Christ’s love and unity to all nations.

JOIN CWS cares

Together, we are stronger. Join CWS in our mission to heal and set people free, unite the Body of Christ, and empower believers to walk in their divine purpose. Let us rejoice in anticipation of the glorious union with our Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, as His radiant Bride.