CWS Cares

+1 (352) 809-1442


Deliverance is a powerful, transformative process that allows individuals to experience true freedom and inner healing. It’s about breaking free from the spiritual, emotional, and psychological bonds that hold us back, allowing us to live our lives fully and joyously in alignment with God’s will.

At its core, deliverance involves the casting out of negative influences or demonic spirits that may be impacting our lives. These influences can manifest in various ways—through fear, anxiety, depression, addiction, or other destructive patterns. Deliverance helps to identify these areas of bondage and remove them through prayer, spiritual guidance, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Process of Deliverance

The journey of deliverance often begins with self-awareness and a desire for change. Here’s a brief overview of the steps involved:

    1. Recognition: Acknowledging the areas in your life where you feel oppressed or hindered. This might involve introspection, prayer, or seeking counsel from a trusted spiritual advisor.
    1. Repentance: Confessing and repenting for any sins or behaviors that may have opened the door to negative influences. This step is crucial for breaking the legal rights these spirits have to operate in your life.
    1. Renunciation: Verbally renouncing any ties or agreements with these negative influences. This declaration helps to sever the connection and authority these spirits have over you.
    1. Rebuke: Using the authority of Jesus Christ to command these spirits to leave. This step often involves a deliverance minister or a prayer team to guide and support you through the process.
    1. Restoration: Embracing your newfound freedom and healing. This involves renewing your mind through Scripture, prayer, and a supportive faith community.

The Power of Community in Deliverance

Deliverance is not a journey you have to walk alone. Our experienced delivery community provides a safe and supportive environment where you can find guidance, encouragement, and accountability. Through our live events, teachings on inner healing, and true connections with other believers, you’ll discover the strength and courage to embrace your freedom fully.


Our mission is to help you break free from the chains that bind you and step into the abundant life God has planned for you. Join us on this transformative journey and experience the power of deliverance. Live free, find your true self, and connect with others who are on the same path of healing and restoration.

Embrace Your Freedom

Christ is in you so you are a new creation in him. Deliverance is not just about casting out demons; it’s about reclaiming your identity, purpose, and destiny in Christ. It’s about living a life of freedom, joy, and peace. If you’re ready to break free from the past and step into a new season of wholeness and abundance, we invite you to join our community and embark on this journey of deliverance with us.


Experience the transformative power of deliverance today. Embrace your freedom, live victoriously, and discover the true, unshakable joy that comes from walking in the fullness of God’s love and grace.

Get Started

At CWS Cares, we create experiences that empower you to lead a healthier life, feel better, and unlock your full potential. Join us in redefining what it means to live well.

If you feel burdened by spiritual oppression and are seeking freedom, we invite you to reach out to us. Discover the power of deliverance and step into the fullness of life that God has for you. Contact us today to schedule a session or learn more about our deliverance ministry. Your journey to freedom starts here.